The ONLY 3 Exercises You Need to Climb Stairs Easily (Ages 60+)

Hi everyone.

We found another video to share. This one may not interest everyone and that’s OK. This video is titled The ONLY 3 Exercises You Need to Climb Stairs Easily (Ages 60+).

The demonstrator is Shrey Vazir and he is a Physiotherapist. As the video title indicates, he is demonstrating the proper technique for executing 3 different exercises.

To begin with his opening remarks, he speaks about a common condition known as Sarcopenia. This is muscle loss experienced after the age of 60. The way to counter this condition is with progressive strength training (PST). The 3 exercises in the video if done correctly and regularly will accomplish that.

Seated position exercise Step exercise

The first exercise targets the Quadriceps and Glutes. The demonstrator uses a metal folding chair but other chair designs could be used. From a seated position, you would have 2 options for standing up. Either stretch your arms out straight then begin to stand slowly or if you don’t feel comfortable with that, use chair arms or the seat of the chair to help push up from the chair to a standing position. Slowly return to a seated position making sure that the chair hasn’t moved. The demonstrator cautions not to stand and sit with quick motions but rather slowly and mindfully. He recommends 10 reps 2 -3x per day.

The next exercise focuses on the Glutes Medius. It’s purpose is to prevent us from falling. The exercise will require the use of a step stool. This exercise is a lateral step up left then right. He recommends 10 – 20 reps for each side.

The 3rd exercise is called step down with weight. It focuses on the glutes, side glutes and quads. The demonstrator uses a step stool however you can use the bottom step of your staircase. With both feet on the bottom step facing down the stair case, shift your weight forward and step down to the floor with one leg then return to the bottom step. Do 10-20 reps for each side. Using a 10-15 lb. dumbbell or a weighted vest can boost muscle building.

We like this video because it demonstrates exercises that can be done easily and without a lot of preparation.

Click the link below to view the video. Enjoy.

The ONLY 3 Exercises You Need to Climb Stairs Easily (Ages 60+)