Hey again. Trendy Wellness Zone here with another video.
This one is titled 10-Min Beginner Resistance Band Workout for Toning & Strength. The fitness instructor is Brittany Noelle from Sunny Health & Fitness. In the video, she is demonstrating 4 different exercises. The exercises are designed for muscle toning and strength building. She is using a continuous loop resistance band but if you have something a little different, you can probably make it work.
The first exercise is a squat thruster. The instructor places the band underneath her feet which are shoulder width apart. Another section of the band is placed in the hands at chest level and shoulder width apart. The distance between feet or hands can be adjusted based upon your individual needs. The first part of the exercise is a squat. Keep the hands at chest level and execute a squat with the legs. Return to a standing position and press the arms upward above the head to a straight position. Return the hands to the chest level position. That is the completion of one repetition.
The second exercise is a bent over row. The instructor places the band underneath her feet which are shoulder width apart. She bends forward and takes up the slack in the resistance band. Staying bent over, she then pulls upward with both arms in a rowing motion pulling the shoulder blades together then returning back to the starting position. That is the completion of one repetition.
The third exercise is a chest press. Loop the band around your back bringing both loop ends forward in your hands at chest level. To start the exercise, press the arms forward so that elbows are straight then return to the chest position. That is the completion of one repetition.
The fourth exercise is the high row. The instructor places the band underneath her feet which are shoulder width apart. Standing straight up she holds the band in both hands approximately 12 inches apart at waste level. Using both hands, she pulls the band upward to shoulder level in a rowing motion then returning the hands to the starting position. That is the completion of one repetition.
The instructor finishes the video with a bicep curl. She places the band underneath her feet which are shoulder width apart. With arms straight down and to the sides, palms open and facing outward grasp the band with each hand. Pull both arms up in a curl bending at the elbows. Return to the down position. That is the completion of one repetition.
We like the video because it provides an alternative to dumbbells, kettle balls or even barbells. While none of us plan on going into space if we were, we wouldn’t bring weights, we would probably bring resistance bands.🧑🚀🙂
Click the link below to view the video. Enjoy!